Other polymer additives are colorants, antistatic agents, foaming agents, preservatives, and processing aid or lubricants. fugitive tinting colours 其它聚合物添加剂包括染色剂、抗静电剂、发泡剂、防腐剂和加工助剂或润滑剂。标志色,着色剂,指色剂
Is the production of organic tin heat stabilizers, ACR processing aid of the integrated enterprise. 是生产有机锡热稳定剂、ACR加工助剂的综合企业。
Application of Efficient processing Aid WAC-88 in Large Diameter Pipes 高效加工助剂WAC-88在大口径管材中的应用
Preparation of PVC Processing Aid by Combination of Mechanical Chemistry Degradation and Chemical Degradation 力化学降解和化学降解结合制备PVC加工助剂
Application of Rare Earth Modified PVC Processing Aid 稀土改性的PVC加工助剂应用研究
The acidity of processing aid delayed the curing process of alkali metal soap/ sulfur curing system to decrease the curing rate and state; 加工助剂的酸性延迟了碱金属皂/硫黄硫化体系的硫化进程,使硫化反应速度减慢,硫化程度降低。
Effects of ACR Processing Aid for PVC PVC用ACR加工助剂的作用
Research on The Flowability Improvement of PVC-U Scrap by Processing Aid WAC-1010 加工助剂WAC&1010改进PVC-U边角料流动性的研究
Influences of processing aid MC100 on the processing rheological property, mechanical property and chemicals resistance of PVC were studied. 研究了MC100加工助剂对聚氯乙烯加工流变行为、力学性能和耐化学品性能的影响。
Effect of processing aid DF on crosslinking network structure of ACM rubber 新型加工助剂DF对ACM胶料交联网络结构的影响
Research and Application on Polyacrylate ACR-EM for PVC Processing Aid 聚氯乙烯加工助剂ACR-EM的研制及应用
An Introduction to Rubber Processing Aid 橡胶加工助剂介绍
The development history of ACR processing aid and its effects on processing characteristic, which are swell, melt fracture, melt viscosity and melting, of PVC were introduced. 简要介绍了ACR加工助剂发展历史及其改进PVC加工性能的作用,包括对PVC的离模膨胀、熔体破裂、熔体粘度和融化的影响。
Effect of binary processing aid on rheology and mechanical properties of HDPE 复合加工助剂对HDPE流变性能和力学性能的影响
The Effect of Acrylic Processing Aid on The Extrusion of Rigid Cellular PVC 丙烯酸类助剂对低发泡硬质PVC挤出成型的影响
The PVC-U scrap are available to make other plastics products according to measurements and test of the products that use PVC-U as raw materials and processing aid WAC-1010. The processing aid WAC-1010 improves the melt flowability of PVC-U scrap and products quality obviously. 以PVC-U边角料为原料的回收利用产品检测结果表明:利用PVC-U边角料生产其他产品是可行的,添加加工助剂WAC-1010后,熔体流动性改进效果明显,产品质量符合国家标准。
Research on Property of ACR Processing Aid ACR加工助剂的性能研究
Practice shows that it is important to select PVC resins, stabilizers, lubricants, impact modifiers and processing aid according to the requiring quality of the sheets while knowing and mastering all the links in properties of equipment and controlling of procedure. 实践表明:在熟悉并掌握设备性能和过程控制的各个环节的同时,依照产品质量要求,选好原料树脂和稚定剂、润滑剂、抗冲改性剂、加工助剂等是十分重要的。
The Effects of Organic Fluoride Processing Aid on the Technology and Performance of LLDPE Blown Film 有机氟加工助剂对LLDPE吹膜工艺和性能的影响
The test results showed that the dispersion of the carbon black, the processibility and physical properties improved, but the scorch time reduced when the dispersive processing aid was added into the compound. 试验结果表明,分散型加工助剂T4可促进炭黑在胶料中的分散,提高胶料的加工性能,改善胶料的物理性能,但会缩短胶料的焦烧时间。
A new processing aid ( NPA), composed of resin and additive, for LLDPE was introduced in this paper. 介绍LLDPE新型加工助剂。
The application of processing aid ZD 2 in the crown and shoulder pad compounds was investigated. 研究加工助剂ZD2在载重斜交轮胎胎冠胶和肩垫胶配方中的应用效果。
With the using amount of ACR processing aid and its molecular weight increasing, the fusion time decreased while the melt torque increased; 随着ACR加工助剂用量和分子质量的增加,塑化时间缩短,转矩增加;
Meanwhile, binary processing aid also showed effect on increasing the critical shear rate for the onset of sharkskin melt fracture. 同时复合加工助剂对改善鲨鱼皮熔体破裂也有一定的作用。
Processing aid agents and ultrasonic wave were introduced during processing of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene ( UHMWPE) with a general single-screw extruder. 采用加工助剂与超声辐照相结合的方法,实现了超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)在一般单螺杆挤出机上的挤出加工,提出了流动改性机理;
The new rare earth modified processing aid ( WAC) used for PVC is introduced. 披露了一种稀土改性的新型PVC加工助剂(WAC)。
Application of Processing Aid DR to Rubber Compound 加工助剂DR在橡胶中的应用研究
Novel plastics processing aid TAS-2A was applied to functional masterbatch and the production of the modified plastics filled with high filler loading of inorganic filler. 将新型塑料加工助剂TSA-2A分散剂用于功能母粒、无机高填充改性塑料的生产。
The effect of a new processing aid DF on the crosslinking network structure of ACM rubber was investigated and a comparison test of DF was made to conventional processing aid ( stearic acid) and imported processing aid ( WB). 研究了自制的新型加工助剂DF对聚丙烯酸酯橡胶(ACM)交联网络结构的影响,并与常规加工助剂硬脂酸和进口加工助剂WB进行了对比分析。